
Thursday, February 15, 2007

a. What do you see as the main value and purpose of social studies education in Singapore?

The main value and purpose of social studies education in Singapore is to strengthen the bonds an individual has towards this nation. It is to create a sense of belonging amongst the young and to do this they are made to learn how independence came about. Moreover they must be made aware of the value of this independence and not take it for granted. Singapore as we know does not have long or rich history as compared to countries like China and India hence forming a national identity is a rather challenging one. Coupled with this is the existence of a multi-racial population, which makes the task a Herculean, one.

What better way to bring about unity within this diverse community then targeting the young? The inculcation of religious and racial tolerance to them through social studies is key to a harmonious society. Racial intolerance is a highly sensitive issue, which if not kept in check can have serious repercussions on society. In recent years our immediate neighbour Malaysia has had racial riots that ended in casualties. Taking into account our close proximity with Malaysia this violence could have infiltrated here too. However with all the drive and importance for racial harmony, racial riots still remain a thing of the past.


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